Trending Programmer Languange of Stackoverflow Survey 2013–2015

Subhan Nooriansyah (Subhanshuja)
1 min readMay 18, 2015

I have known something several meaning of survey. survey can give someone knowledge or sensitive information for example, we have already known something many people love food but it is just general so why we want to get more information than flat data or crunch data we have already known. One we can ask to someone about they like or dislike and we can note that what about that data need more to create a beautiful data. After i read data from stackoverflow has a survey from 2013 to 2015 he was showed something interesting and that data is so unique and some of people will be shocked like me such a favorite source control people like are git or theme people like are black.

So suddenly i recognize something to do learning something and saving as much as data i get or i have meant is doing few survey in the knowledge what i like. so keep forward learning something every day and do not forget writing something to improve your data also it can make new information or unique information

Happy Nice Day ^^

